The generous donations from BSB Supporters are used to cover the cost of students attending our conferences as guests and to help with the cost of various other student activities, such as visiting bakeries and suppliers to gain industrial experience

AB Mauri
A B Mauri is dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of technical bakery ingredients and yeast products to bakers in the UK and Ireland. http://www.abmauriukandireland.com/
Bakels manufacture bakery ingredients for bread, confectionery and pastry bakers.
Dawn Foods
Bakery manufacturer and ingredients supplier Dawn Foods has established itself as one of the top global bakery companies, providing ingredients, bespoke solutions and services to the bakery and foodservice industries. This year (2020) Dawn Foods celebrates 100 years in business.
Our Products From versatile American style bakery mixes and delicious fruit fillings and toppings, to ready to serve frozen donuts, cookies and muffins. We supply a complete range of mixes, bases, icings, glazes, fillings, compounds, chocolate decorations, frozen doughs and fully baked products to food industry customers around the world.
For more information visit www.dawnfoods.com, or click on our logo.
IFF – Where science & creativity meet
We are a health, bioscience, and sensorial experience company that is changing the world for the better. The food industry has changed dramatically over the years and continues to rapidly evolve. We love keeping pace with such an exciting and dynamic industry and we pride ourselves in providing our customers with the most relevant and market-leading food innovation. Consumers today are looking for healthier food options and want to feel good about the products they eat. We offer innovative ingredients and differentiating solutions that both delight consumers all over the world and meet their demands for “better for you” products. We focus on culinary, snacks, dairy, bakery, bars & confectionery and of course, beverages. Our broad and diverse product portfolio is designed to provide and cater for every flavour and taste profile required by our customers. https://www.iff.com/
Ingram Brothers
Since Ingram Brothers was founded in 1895, the business has evolved to become one of Scotland’s most established bakery manufacturers. Today, we specialise in niche manufacturing solutions for the bakery industry, our products vary from icings and fillings to flavours. We offer our customers a strong technical capability providing them with innovative solutions to enable growth. https://www.ingrambrothers.com/
ITS International Taste Solutions Ltd
A braver flavour. I.T.S. is a proudly independent flavour house that was founded in 2009 with the goal of injecting some fun into the flavour industry. Working closely with their customers, I.T.S. develops flavours alongside application work in its very own test bakery. I.T.S. have a strong focus on new and emerging flavour trends to make sure brands stay ahead and stand out from the crowd. I.T.S. full-scale liquid and powder flavour manufacturing plant allows quick turnaround times and flexible MOQ. http://www.itstaste.com/
Romix Foods
‘Your trusted blending partner’. Based in Leigh, UK, Romix blend and co-pack bakery and retail mixes using the finest ingredients. At Romix Foods we aim to ensure you have peace of mind that the products you take from us are made to the highest standards. The ingredients we use and the processes we operate produce the finest products for you. Our experienced team understand the important role that each of them have in the process at Romix Foods and all take great pride in everything that we do. https://www.romixfoods.co.uk/
Synergy Flavours is a global innovator in flavourings, extracts and essences and has extensive experience across the food and beverage industry, developing innovative taste solutions which help customers to stay one step ahead of the competition. Whether manufacturers seek flavour profiles to mask off-notes in nutritional products, or flavour solutions that enable sugar or butter reduction without compromising taste, Synergy has the expertise, application knowledge and sensory science to help. Website http://uk.synergytaste.com/

Zeelandia are a Dutch Bakery Ingredients manufacturer established in Holland in 1900. The UK division was established in 1956 and l operations are now present in over 25 countries. On the 1st January 2017 Zeelandia UK acquired James Fleming & Co. Ltd, a leading UK producer of confectionery fillings, including mincemeat, jams, jellies and caramel for use in industrial baking.
The Australian Society of Bakers
The Australian Society of Baking is dedicated to promoting the advancement of baking science and technology to the exchange of information and interaction of baking industry professions.
The American Society of Baking
Dedicated to advancing baking and bakery science and technology through conferences and other events, together with the interchange of knowledge between members. It was formerly called the American Society of Bakery Engineers (ASBE) and the BSB was founded in 1956 as an Affilate of ASBE and we still maintain links with ASB.
The Alliance of Bakery Students and Trainees (ABST)
An association for those undertaking bakery education and training. Click on the link below for more information.

BAKERpedia is a go-to website resource for all things commercial in bakery and food innovation. It provides simple and credible solutions to complex challenges, so you can focus on the things that matter in your business. Whether it’s checking a recipe or finding an ingredient, you’ll get a straight forward answer that cuts through the unnecessary jargon. Get the lowdown on bakery and food technology, science and formulas, and it’s freely available! http://bakerpedia.com/
Bakery Business
Baking Industry News and Features, published in the Bakery Business magazine and on-line. Editor: Sam White
British Baker
Baking industry news, and features published online and in special issues of the British Baker magazine. Editor: Amy North

The Federation of Bakers Represents UK manufacturers of sliced and wrapped bread, bakery snacks and other bread products. Click on the link below for further information.
The Craft Bakers Association (NAMB)
Represents, and offers a wide range of services to, small and medium size family and craft type bakeries in England and Wales. Click on the link below for more information.
Scottish Bakers
Represent, and offer a wide range of services to, small and medium size family and craft type bakeries in Scotland. Click on the link below for more information.