2022 Spring Conference PowerPoint Presentations (Click on the paper title to access the PowerPoint/PDF files)
What Do Today’s Young Bakers Need? by Megan Roberts and Will Leet
Practice Essential Skills: Motivation, Leadership, Growth by David Garman
The Wrights Journey to Compleat by Ian Dobbie
Statement by Alex Waugh on the effect of the Ukraine crisis on UK Milling and Baking and a Panel Discussion by Alex, Peter Baker, Richard Hazeldine, with Chair Sylvia Macdonald
Are Bakeries Heading Towards Full Automation? by Steve Merritt
The Next Generation – Moving Business On by Talia and Sean Sarafilovic, Stephen’s Bakery
The 2022 Spring Conference was held at the Tythe Barn, Bicester on Wednesday 6th April, 2022, our first conference since autumn 2019 due to Covid! Both the conference attendance and presentations were excellent.
An informal conference dinner was held at the Chesterton Hotel on the Tuesday evening and was enjoyed by speakers, guests and BSB Executive committee members.
The Spring BSB Conference lived up to its promise to provide advice, strategy, and vision for your business and a forum for discussion. Peter Baker did a fantastic job as Session Chairman all the presentations.

2022 Autumn Conference PowerPoint Presentations (Click on the paper title to access the PowerPoint/PDF files)
Robin Jones Oct 22 slides only
Understanding Sourdough by Oana lacob-Le Roy, Fedima
Draft Industry Code of Practice For labelling sourdough bread